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Table 1 Characteristics of the study subjects

From: Evaluation of performance status of daily living activities and of the future risk of falls in the non-handicapped, community-dwelling elderly


Cross-sectional study (n = 116)

Follow-up study (n = 44)





Age, years, mean (SD)

70.8 (4.4)

71.0 (4.5)

Living alone

10 (8.6)

4 (9.0)

Past history of illness

 Stroke patients

2 (1.7)


 Heart disease

13 (11.2)

8 (18.2)


35 (11.2)

17 (38.6)


7 (6.0)

4 (9.1)

 Other diseases

20 (17.2)

6 (13.5)

Daily living performance score, mean (SD)

43.3 (4.0)

43.5 (4.3)

SF-36 subscale score, mean (SD)

 Physical functioning


79.0 (20.4)


69.8 (39.2)

75.9 (35.4)

 Bodily pain

66.7 (23.0)

71.8 (22.0)

 General health perceptions

61.4 (18.0)

61.6 (17.1)


70.4 (18.1)

69.0 (16.8)

 Social functioning

89.3 (16.0)

91.2 (15.9)


75.3 (39.6)

78.8 (39.4)

 Mental health

75.1 (17.7)

72.1 (15.0)

Events and effects

 1 year before the study

  A fall

28 (24.1)

11 (25.0)

  An injury

8 (6.9)

3 (6.8)

  A fracture

7 (6.0)

1 (2.3)

 1 month before the study

  A stumble or a fall

36 (31.0)

10 (22.7)

  Anxiety while walking indoors

25 (21.6)

11 (25.0)

  Anxiety while walking outdoors

45 (38.8)

17 (38.6)

  1. SF-36, Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey
  2. Values are given as the number with the percentage in parenthesis unless otherwise noted